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education – Information and Communication


Master Information and Communication

Eco-citizen Communication, Heritage and Sustainable Development track (COMEDD)

“Training communicators specialized in sustainable development”

The COMEDD course of the Master Info-Com is part of the emergence of a “communication towards a sustainable development”, understood in an accomplished way, as an eco-citizen and responsible communication, anchored on territory and heritage. It aims to train communicators able to lead:

A communication that relays the commitment of organizations for sustainable development (state, company, community, association engaging ISO approach, environmental management, social responsibility …) and which sparks off a mobilisation around their projects (communication of change / internal, external, proximity, institutional, etc., environmental education, scientific and technical communication…).
A heritage and territorial communication that updates identity, heritage and local dynamics and promotes belonging to a sustainable territorial project, the social link and cultural transmission (cultural and naturalistic mediation, scientific animation, interpretation of sites, open museology, sustainable tourism …).