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education – Science, Technology, Health


Master Science and Engineering of Materials

Nano&Materials. Industry&Management. Conception&Quality. Energy&Environment (N.I.C.E.)

“Former des chefs de projet dans les domaines des matériaux innovants et du management”

A training program that responds to new international challenges in the fields of energy and the environment through the design and knowledge of innovative materials.

This 2-year master’s degree trains students to become engineers with a good knowledge of management science and regulations, which will be a major asset for future project managers.

Courses are taught throughout the year (September to June) with new teaching methods (interactivity, inverted pedagogy, face-to-face / distance learning, MOOC …) as well as module evaluation (continuous monitoring).

First year of the Master: the months of June, July and August take place exclusively in a company

Second year of the Master: the months of July and August are held exclusively in a company