Urban Health and Environmental Monitoring

General goal
Establishment of a multimodal observation and monitoring system for the air quality (smart monitoring), with different vulnerable populations (neighborhood, elderly, patients).

Operational goals
The actions focus on the collection and exploitation of air quality data via various sensors, health data called weak signals (genes, seizures, drug consumption), adapted means of communication and support. The first phase will take place at the Quartier des Moulins in Nice, which has an extensive network of sensors. Then the project will be extended to elderly people and patients for whom an adapted sports activity has been prescribed.
Improve the characterization of air pollution exposures at a neighborhood or individual scale
Formalization of decision support and piloting for communities transposable to other territories
Identify the data excluding health and air quality needed
Collaboratively develop a monitoring of air quality (multimodal approach including smartphone application
Deployment of air quality monitoring (multimodal approach) with different target populations (Moulins district), but also ambulatory elderly people, chronic patients following adapted activities etc.
Evaluation of the use of monitoring (feasibility, appropriation) and the impact of information services (behavior modification).
Identify the relevant interactive health monitoring adapted to the care of the vulnerable people vis-à-vis the quality of the air (outside and inside).