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Create today the city of tomorrow!

Live the experience of a consulting firm

in sustainable development,

create innovative solutions for societal and environmental

challenges of the territory.

Les Ateliers de l’IMREDD

Create today the city of tomorrow!

Live the experience of a consulting firm in sustainable development, create innovative solutions for real societal and environmental challenges of the territory.


100 Etudiants 2

More than 100 students from 8 programs are organised in working teams of 6 to 7 people according to their disciplinary diversity.

The Ateliers de l’IMREDD project award students with 3 to 4 ECTS while allowing them to work within an interdisciplinary and professional network, a real stepping stone to employment.

À propos

100 Etudiants 2

More than 100 students from 8 programs are organised in working teams of 6 to 7 people according to their disciplinary diversity.

The Ateliers de l’IMREDD project award students with 3 to 4 ECTS while allowing them to work within an interdisciplinary and professional network, a real stepping stone to employment.


The territory of the Var plain

The territory of the Var plain

Selected according to the illustrative nature of the territory (diversity of territories, ecosystems and species, and infrastructures) and its proximity to IMREDD.
Image: © IGN 2019

Your mission

How to promote the development of the Var plain

while respecting the Paris Agreements?


Each project team will work on one of the four themes

defined according to strategic issues for the territory



Mobility on the Var plain

Today, the large flows of vehicles at the western entrance to Nice, particularly from the large employment areas of Sophia-Antipolis and Carros, lead to the saturation of traffic and parking in the city, as well as noise and air pollution.


Revitalize the industrial area of Carros

The area of economic activities of Carros Le Broc is the dynamic industrial heart of the Alpes-Maritimes department. Yet, its future characteristics are uncertain. The ZAE is looking for a renewal because it has to face a certain number of issues, which may call into question its development.


Development of a Territorial Food Project

The Var plain has long been considered the “granary of the Alpes-Maritimes”. From the 1960s, this territory has undergone a confused development, due to the development of buildings, roads, industrial and commercial areas.


Development of an energy self-sufficient district at the Arénas

Operation Grand Arénas aims to organize the southern part of the plain around a mixed urban district by creating links between the surrounding neighborhoods and other equipment in the lower valley of the Var. The ambition of the operation is to achieve energy self-sufficiency in 2050.

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