IMREDD students participate in a crisis management exercise with the Fire and Rescue Department

Organized in unprecedented sanitary conditions, the IMPACT module brought together 100 students from 7 training courses around simulations of major risks in the region. Designed by Lieutenant-Colonel Frédéric Castagnola, Head of the Citizen Relations Group at the Alpes-Maritimes Fire and Rescue Department, and moderated by firefighters, police officers, gendarmerie officers and teachers, the IMPACT Module (“Immediate Management Planning ACTion”) is a dynamic series of tabletop exercises and multi-hazard situations for all audiences. Lasting 3 hours, the crisis management exercise awakens participants to the assessment of risks in their territory and quickly engages them in planning to act in the best possible way in crisis situations and exceptional emergencies.
Put together by IMREDD for the third year within the framework of the IMREDD Workshops, the IMPACT Module happened as a hybrid event to allow for social distancing and limit the number of participants per room. Over two mornings, students were divided into groups of 4 to 6 to imagine crisis scenarios and react to situations created by their classmates. The presentation of the exercise by Lt. Castagnola, the exchanges between the groups and the final debriefing were carried out by videoconference on Zoom.