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Covid-19 measures 2021-2022
Due to the current health context, we count on each of you to protect each other by applying the appropriate sanitary measures.

IMREDD prepares to welcome its users in its new building
IMREDD started on Monday 24th August its relocation operations in its new building, an opportunity to federate the team, old and new members, in team building mode in order to appropriate the spaces of this new place and prepare the reception of its users, students, researchers, teachers and industrial partners around a project for the […]

Cannes, first partner city of the Natural Risks 06 project
Thanks to the city’s participation, IMREDD was able to test and perfect the methodology that will be applied to all of the member municipalities.

Last week, the IRIS Smart Cities project team presented the solutions developed at the mid-term of the project. The European Commission and the independent reviewer congratulated and encouraged the teams for their progress and collaborative work. As a reminder, the European IRIS project is focused on the search for new urban development solutions in the […]

Application deadline July 15th for the M.Sc. Engineers for Smart Cities and Environmental Hazards and Risks Management
Applications for both programs are open until July 15th on the eCandidat platform. However, international candidates are encouraged to send their applications as soon as possible.

[COVID-19] IMREDD is currently closed
In accordance with government guidelines to deal with the spread of coronavirus / COVID-19, IMREDD is closed until further notice. Remote office solutions have been adopted to ensure the continuity of the Institute’s activities.

IMREDD takes part in a Resilience and Risk Management Seminar in Brazil
As part of the partnership with the Association of Municipalities of the Middle Itajaí Valley (Ammvi), in Brazil, Paulo Moura, project development engineer at IMREDD, presented the steps of the risk management process to an audience of mayors, deputies, municipal councilors and technicians. Valentin Grosso, research engineer at IMREDD, led a workshop to build a regional risk management action plan.

The Nice Tramway in the colors of Université Côte d’Azur and IMREDD
The campaign highlights IMREDD’s mission to be a place of collaboration between the academic world, businesses and the territory, and an incubator for training in smart city professions.

Université Côte d’Azur inaugurates the building of its first Institute for Innovation and Partnerships, the IMREDD
Open to the University Lane, this 5000 m² building is exemplary in terms of energy efficiency.
The ERDF allocates € 1.5 million to IMREDD for the development of the Smart City Innovation Center
The Regional Programming Committee of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur territory has allocated € 1.5 million to IMREDD for the development of the Smart City Innovation Center development ( SCIC), a technological platform dedicated to the Smart City.