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Event report: PITER ALPIMED Pre-launch
On 20 and 21 November 2018 took place the pre-launch event of the Integrated Territorial Plan (PITER) ALPIMED which brought together the whole partnership in the exotic setting of the Parc Phoenix in Nice. The PITER ALPIMED aims to interconnect and encourage the best practices of the heart of the Mediterranean Alps in a sustainable […]

Apply now for the MSc Engineers for Smart Cities
Applications are open for the MSc Engineers for Smart Cities, our transdisciplinary program on the city of the future! Challenges of tomorrow The city of the future needs innovative professionals in the energy, environment, mobility, social and economic sectors. Are you up to the challenge? Join us to learn how to create the sustainable city […]

IRIS Project – 3rd Consortium Plenary Board
From Tuesday 16th to Thursday 18th October will be held the 3rd Consortium Plenary Board. European project from HORIZON 2020 programme, IRIS (Integrated and Reproducible Solutions for Co-creation in Sustainable Cities), met European partners in the field of energy transition. The IRIS project consists in experimenting for five years of energy management through the implementation […]

Risk awareness workshop for IMREDD students
More than 120 students took part of an exercice conceived by the firefighters

Congratulations to graduating MSc Engineers for Smart Cities students!
This Thursday, September 6th, took place on the premises of IMREDD the graduation ceremony of the first two promotions of MSc Engineers for Smart Cities, in the presence of Mr. Jean-Marc Gambaudo, President of Université Côte d’Azur, and Mrs. Véronique Paquis, deputy mayor of Nice in charge of the ecology, university and research. Congratulations to […]

Innovative City 2018
IMREDD will be present at Innovative City 2018, held at the Palais des Congrès in Nice on June 27th and 28th.

Université Côte d’Azur meets with companies
Université Côte d’Azur mobilizes for a business oriented networking day.
IRIS project and citizen participation
A workshop on citizen participation to help take into account the needs of the end user.