[Article] Investigation on Mecynorhina torquata Drury, 1782 (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Goliathini) cuticle: Surface properties, chitin and chitosan extraction

Naturally derived polymers, such as cellulose or chitin, are materials with increasing interest for a sustainable future. Considering the pollution associated with plastics recycling, natural and fully biocompatible materials like cellulose and chitin are becoming increasingly more relevant for sustainable engineering applications. Chitin and highly deacetylated chitin (chitosan) are already implemented in a wide range of materials applications, especially in biomedical fields. One interesting aspect of chitin is that the majority of industrially produced chitin is extracted from shrimp exoskeleton. However, other arthropods can also be investigated as a source of chitin. In this work, we focus on the extraction of chitin and preparation of chitosan from a beetle specie: Mecynorhina torquata. This includes characterization of the native Mecynorhina torquata surfaces and all intermediate surfaces throughout the chitosan extraction procedure. The final product, prepared chitosan, is also characterized using IR, SEM, ash content, and deacetylation degree. In addition, spectacular iridescent surfaces of Mecynorhina torquata are highlighted at the intermediate steps during chitin extraction. Finally, as proof of concept, the isolated chitosan is used to form hydrogel.
Tanguy Marmier, Caroline R. Szczepanski, Christophe Candet, Arnaud Zenerino, René-Paul Godeau, Guilhem Godeau, Investigation on Mecynorhina torquata Drury, 1782 (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Goliathini) cuticle: Surface properties, chitin and chitosan extraction, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 164, 2020, Pages 1164-1173, ISSN 0141-8130,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.07.155. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0141813020339003)
This work, published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, was partly carried out at IMREDD’s “Smart City Innovation Center” technological platform.