Cannes, first partner city of the Natural Risks 06 project

Resilience to natural risks is an issue on a territorial and even societal scale. It is the ability of a society to anticipate and react to a natural phenomenon that threatens its sustainable development, in order to limit negative impacts and regain a level of operation as quickly as possible. Good municipal management of crises linked to natural risks also depends on the level of preparation of neighboring municipalities.
The Natural Risks 06 project questions the level of natural risk management and disaster resilience of the 163 municipalities in the Alpes-Maritimes department in order to build a territorial equilibrium.
Cannes, the second city of 06 in population, is the first municipality in France to have adopted a Communal Plan for the Prevention of Terrorist Risk or to have carried out a tsunami alert simulation exercise. We are happy to have it as the first partner city of the project. Thanks to the involvement of its teams, we were able to test and perfect the methodology that will be applied to all the participating municipalities.