Natural risk management platform
Natural risksmanagement platform
Experimental study in the Alpes-Maritimes

General goal
In partnership with the Departmental Council of Alpes-Maritimes, this experimental study aims to set up a natural risk management platform in the Department.
The implementation of a natural risk management platform requires, as a preliminary step, the reinforcement of technological tools for event detection and monitoring available to the actors involved in natural risk management. The IMREDD proposes to experiment and validate one or more methodological tools to characterize the detection and the means of follow-up and management of an event: to make a “zero state” and to be force of proposal for progress. Then, by duplicating within the Smart City Innovation Center the resources needed to understand and manage risks, IMREDD proposes, through innovation, progress in decision support.

Operational goals
- To experiment and validate a methodological tool allowing to characterize the detection and the means of follow-up and management of a risk-related event:
- Make a “zero state” and be force of proposal to progress in the detection and the decision making for the services involved in crisis management.
- Establish a list of raw data sources (camera type, road sensor, hydrometric sensors, structure service for landslides, etc.) by risk typology.
- Define and use these data sources to make them understandable.
- Define dashboards to promote understanding and risk management.
- Host or duplicate within the Smart City Innovation Center of IMREDD the dashboards thus defined.


Cannes, first partner city of the Natural Risks 06 project
Thanks to the city’s participation, IMREDD was able to test and perfect the methodology that will be applied to all of the member municipalities.