General goal
The CLIMA project aims to understand and act on the effects of climate change across the transboundary area. The ALPIMED territory comprises two Italian provinces (Cuneo and Imperia) and a French département (Alpes Maritimes) involving a total of 89 municipalities with a population of 89,143 inhabitants in mountain areas covering an area of 3,642 km² and 131,020 inhabitants in the urban area of 512 km². It is composed of remarkable landscape entities and one of the richest biodiversity in Europe; 60% of its surface is protected. Its climatic position in southern Europe makes the area particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Even if the awareness of climate change and its consequences on the environment and the local economy by institutions, stakeholders and inhabitants is real, it is necessary to mobilize to support the resilience of the territory.

Operational goals
The CLIMA project aims to improve the territorial planning of public institutions for adaptation to climate change by improving the knowledge of both the resources and the impacts they suffer, identifying efficient and sustainable solutions that will provide concrete tools to the actors, awareness and mobilization of all that will accompany the necessary change of practices.
As part of this project, IMREDD is involved in WP3 dedicated to the development of a common cross-border strategy to address climate change as well as in WP4 dedicated to the prevention of climate change.
More specifically, in the framework of WP3, the objective is to engage elected officials and local stakeholders in the fight against climate change through a participatory methodology and shared content in a cross-border strategy. This strategy will ensure sustainability of the actions carried by the partnership and engage stakeholders in a common approach to intervention beyond the Territorial Climate Plan. Thus, IMREDD participates in establishing the state of play of the legal and technical tools that will allow the Metropole Nice Côte d’Azur to support the actors of the cross-border area in a sustainable strategy for climate and resilience of the territory facing the impacts of climate change.
IMREDD also contributes, in partnership with the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis and the Mercantour Stations Union, to conduct experiments on ski resorts to optimize their energy consumption and to think about innovative and more virtuous solutions for the environment. The objective is to develop smart and exemplary stations by reducing their carbon impact and by promoting local renewable energy sources.