General goals
Strengthen the mountain economy of the ALPIMED territory and the innovation ecosystem through support, promotion and development of companies, collaboration and cooperation between companies, actors of the territory and the world of research.
The ALPIMED territory comprises two Italian provinces (Cuneo and Imperia) and one French department (Alpes Maritimes) involving a total of 89 municipalities with a population of 89,143 inhabitants in a mountain region covering an area of 3642 km² and 131,020 inhabitants in the urban area of 512 km².

Operational goals
The INNOV project is divided into the following thematic areas:
PATRIM: Enhancement of the natural, cultural and tourism heritage
CLIMA: Adaptation strategy to climate change
MOBIL: Promotion of integrated and sustainable mobility
In the framework of this project, IMREDD develops and animates a LIVING LAB (CLIMA), an open space for exchange and innovation applied to the climate change issue, bringing together companies, the world of research and actors from cross-border mountain territories.
This LIVING LAB is interested in the development of innovative solutions in the following areas:
– Optimization of water resources (especially in agriculture)
– Energy efficiency of ski resorts and greenhouses
IMREDD is also involved in the LIVING LAB (MOBIL) by participating to reflect on the contribution of renewable energies to the service of mobility taking into account the characteristics of mountain areas.