Smart City Chair

At the time of the connected man, in search of virtual spaces on which to project new desires, it is necessary, facing very real requests, to pose the infrastructures which will be able to answer to new needs, to improve the habitat and consequently shape the citizen of the future in order to improve living together in the heart of cities and rethink their governance.
For the man of today, the “city of tomorrow” or Smart City will be unrecognizable, metamorphosed because it wants to respond to new challenges and make the city smart by anticipating land use planning and setting up modern and functional structures. Nevertheless this revolution of the habitat and the technosciences cannot afford to dispense with a philosophical reflection because it is a question of reconsidering – in a “near future” – the place of the man at the heart of these agglomerations which, for the time being, constitute especially spaces where the economic and industrial stakes are considerable.

Laurence VANIN
5 years
(from May 1st, 2018 to April 30th, 2023)