Territorial resilience strategy
Territorial resilience strategy
Development of tailor-made training for sustainable city stakeholders

General goals
This active and specific training is aimed at local authority executives and sustainable city stakeholders interested in defining and running a territorial resilience strategy on behalf of their organization.
The training aims to develop know-how and methodological tools to assess the vulnerability and resilience of a territory based on technological and natural risks and its ability to adapt to global changes, including climate change and future risks.

Operational goals
This training is declined in two formulas:
1. Training / face-to-face
2. Online Course (SPOC – Small Private Online Course)
1. Training / face-to-face
Organized over 4 days, the training / face-to-face addresses the following topics:
Resilience of cities and management of extreme events
State of play in resilience: how to determine the strengths and weaknesses of its territory?
Develop a resilience strategy
Implement a resilience strategy: conditions, monitoring, evaluation, etc.
2. Online Course (SPOC)
This online course is available in two forms depending on the level of expertise sought:
SPOC Leader (4 hours)
SPOC Expert (20 hours)
SPOC Officer:
Definition and operational interests of a territorial resilience strategy
Presentation of a territorial resilience approach in a big city
Governance is a strategy of territorial resilience
Communicate on the resilience strategy and its action program
SPOC Expert:
Definition and operational interests of a territorial resilience strategy
Methodology of strategic diagnosis and estimation of a potential of adaptability of a territory
Developing a resilience approach: from the prioritization of issues to a strategy of spatialized actions
Organizational management of territorial resilience and involvement of a diverse network of actors
Deployment of the strategy, implementation of actions and implementation of monitoring indicators