Chemistry Institute of Nice
The Institute of Chemistry of Nice (ICN) is a research laboratory of the University Nice Sophia Antipolis associated with the CNRS (UMR 7272).
The ICN is organized into three research teams that focus on the fields of aroma and fragrance, bio-organic chemistry, environmental chemistry and radio-chemistry. The Chemistry Institute of Nice also includes a Technological Platform, composed of four common services: NMR – Mass Spectrometry – Modeling and Molecular Imaging – Nuclear Spectrometry
Research topics
– The “Aromas – Fragrances – Syntheses – Modeling” team focuses on the development of new molecules that make up aromas and fragrances and on the description of the modes of action that allow them to be perceived.
– The team “Bioactive molecules” is interested in the synthesis of molecules with antiviral or antitumor properties, as well as biological tools (inhibitors, fluorescence probes, diagnostic tests … etc) necessary for the study of their activity in vitro.
– The “Human and Environmental Radiochemistry” team is studying the impact of nuclear activity on the environment and on humans.
– The “Eco-compatible Materials and Polymers” team is part of a sustainable development approach with the promotion of a biosourced economy.
The Institute of Chemistry of Nice also includes a Technology Platform, composed of three common services (NMR, mass spectrometry and molecular modeling).