House of Human and Social Sciences – South East
The House of Human and Social Sciences – Southeast joined the national network of MSHS in September 2012. Since 1 January 2013, the new structure has become a USR (Service and Research Unit), federating 9 research laboratories in human and social sciences, installed at the University of Nice and the University of Corte in Corsica.
The MSHS promotes interdisciplinary research in SHS as well as between SHS and other sectors (sciences, ICTS, medicine) around four axes of research: 1) cognition and cooperation, 2) ICT, uses and communities, 3) Europe and its Others, 4) territory, technical systems and social uses. Its scientific fields are: Anthropology, archeology, civilizations, cultures, sustainable development, law, territorial dynamics, economy, environment, management, history, identities, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology.
Research topics
Axis 1 : «Computation and Cognitive Sciences (CoCoSci)»
Axis 2 : «Digital technologies, communities and uses»
Axis 3 : «Globalisations, circulations, otherness»
Axis 4 : «Territories : construction, uses, powers»
Axis 5 : «History of ideas, sciences and practices»