Artificial Intelligence and Building

Artificial intelligence and building

Development of use cases of
AI techniques in the Building sector

Triangle Bleu


IMREDD will carry out work complementary to the reflection initiated by the FFB and formalized in a report published in April 2019 entitled “artificial intelligence and building: understanding, anticipating and acting: opportunities for the profession”.

Based on this report which describes the evolutions with which the craftsmen and entrepreneurs of the building sector are being or will be confronted, IMREDD will deepen the tracks of application of the techniques of artificial intelligence (big data, internet of objects, BIM, Robots, drones, Blockchain, etc.) to the building sector for example in terms of design and implementation of construction sites, building operation and maintenance, definition of customer needs and decision support, management skills, etc. Brainstorming workshops connecting students from building, IT and electronics specialties, research laboratories and local business players will be organized and will participate in the joint preparation of a use case report.


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Strategic Activity Area




12 months
(Septembre 1st  2019 – August 31st 2020)