Energy and Smart Grids in Smart Cities

Energy and Smart Grids in Smart Cities

New energy and digital businesses in smart cities

Energy and Smart Grids in Smart Cities

General goals

A partnership that brings the world of business closer to the world of research to foster expertise and innovation in energy transition.

Energy and Smart Grids in Smart Cities

Operational goals

1. Imagine and study new energy and digital professions in smart cities, from CAP to PhD, by developing a competency-based approach; Propose study areas for the creation of new courses in the field of energy and digital technology in smart cities.

2. Implement, in the Smart City Innovation Center of IMREDD for “demonstrator” purposes, tools enabling DESC (Dalkia Energy Savings Center) to demonstrate its reactivity and performance in energy management; Imagine the evolution of DESC, its new features to optimize performance and adapt to new digital uses and the city of tomorrow.


Strategic Activity Areas

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15 months
(from February 19th, 2016 to May 18th, 2017)


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