Uncertainty for a Spatial Modeling of Real Estate Values in the City

General goal
The objective of the project is the development of an innovative methodological protocol to create a map of real estate values in the city, integrating a fine spatiality (the street section), a rigorous treatment of the uncertainty of the knowledge, the fusion of data from multiple sources (with different degrees of reliability) and in multiple scales (plot, street, neighborhood). A prototype of the model resulting from this protocol will be implemented and evaluated for the study case of the Nice-Côte d’Azur metropolis, serving as a test for application to other metropolitan areas.

Operational goals
- Acquisition of data, identification of modeling needs and organization of operational work methods.
- Formalization of expert knowledge on valorization/devaluation processes in the urban space and geoprocessing of spatial information.
- Development of computer interfaces for users and modellers.
- Development and implementation of knowledge extraction methods based on uncertain, multi-source and multi-scale data.
- Development and evaluation of a prototype for the case study.
- Valorisation of the results of the research.