Smart Campus
Smart Campus
Déploiement d’un réseau électrique intelligent expérimental

General goal
The “Smart Campus Nice Sophia Antipolis” project was approved by the government on July 15, 2015 as a “smart campus” as part of the national industrial plan “Smart Grids”. It’s goal is to implement on university campuses an experimental intelligent electricity network, a true platform for innovation mobilizing the industrial and academic fabric of the Riviera around this Smart Grid sector, in which the territory has excelled since 2010 with numerous reference projects and a unique public-private ecosystem in France. The Smart Campus will take shape on two sites of the University of Côte d’Azur: the SophiaTech Campus located in Sophia Antipolis and the Eco-Campus whose construction is initiated on the neighborhood of Nice Méridia.

Operational goals
The intelligent campus will ultimately constitute a coherent set of infrastructures and hardware and software resources, realizing a platform of innovation, a real modular and open toolbox targeting three main objectives:
- Provide support for existing training (TP, projects, courses) and new trainings so that they integrate elements of the “smart grids” problem and the development of multidisciplinary training specifically oriented towards it, so that the companies of this business sector has a pool of qualified students.
- Develop collaborative research projects between academic, research and business partners, aiming to create a unified platform for the design, planning, management, simulation and analysis of smart grids solutions.
- Accelerate the industrial transfer resulting from collaborative projects by direct exploitation by an industrial partner or the creation of start-ups. A special incentive action will be taken with students, through the creation of a contest, to raise awareness about the creation of companies in the field of smart grids.
The project will end in: