Smart Gas
Smart Gas
Services and uses

General goal
This partnership aims to study new products and services to optimize the natural gas energy supply in the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur territory (energy peninsula).

Operational goals
As part of the study of Open Innovation activities and the creation of new products and / or services and uses of natural gas and biomethane, GRDF and the university laboratories are developing activities on the following themes:
- Study on the impact of the digital on the energy professions (and more particularly those related to gas), including new models of collaboration and business
- Technical and economic evaluation of solutions and / or services
- Study of regulations on building construction (RT2012, RE2018, RT2020, …)
- Implementation of instrumentation and evaluation campaigns of technical solutions based on gas and renewable energy dedicated to heating, air conditioning, hot water production and electricity, for individual and collective residential buildings, for commercial and industrial buildings, in a process of integration of “intelligent use” in a “smart city”

Strategic Activity Area
3 years
(from November 28th, 2016 to December 31st, 2019)
This project will end in :