Territorial resilience strategy

Territorial resilience strategy

Development of tailor-made training for sustainable city stakeholders

Territorial resilience strategy

General goals

This active and specific training is aimed at local authority executives and sustainable city stakeholders interested in defining and running a territorial resilience strategy on behalf of their organization.

The training aims to develop know-how and methodological tools to assess the vulnerability and resilience of a territory based on technological and natural risks and its ability to adapt to global changes, including climate change and future risks.

Territorial resilience strategy

Operational goals

This training is declined in two formulas:

1. Training / face-to-face
2. Online Course (SPOC – Small Private Online Course)

1. Training / face-to-face

Organized over 4 days, the training / face-to-face addresses the following topics:

Resilience of cities and management of extreme events
State of play in resilience: how to determine the strengths and weaknesses of its territory?
Develop a resilience strategy
Implement a resilience strategy: conditions, monitoring, evaluation, etc.

2. Online Course (SPOC)

This online course is available in two forms depending on the level of expertise sought:

SPOC Leader (4 hours)
SPOC Expert (20 hours)

SPOC Officer:

Definition and operational interests of a territorial resilience strategy
Presentation of a territorial resilience approach in a big city
Governance is a strategy of territorial resilience
Communicate on the resilience strategy and its action program

SPOC Expert:

Definition and operational interests of a territorial resilience strategy
Methodology of strategic diagnosis and estimation of a potential of adaptability of a territory
Developing a resilience approach: from the prioritization of issues to a strategy of spatialized actions
Organizational management of territorial resilience and involvement of a diverse network of actors
Deployment of the strategy, implementation of actions and implementation of monitoring indicators


Territorial resilience strategy

Strategic Activity Areas

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18 months
(from September 3rd, 2018 to February 2nd, 2020)


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